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Fitness Training

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Fitness Programing & Optimization

Personal training has changed a lot in the last 20 years.


Advancements in technology and coaching software have dramatically improved the way training programs are developed, delivered, and consumed. As a result, you now have consistent support through live training sessions (in-person or synchronous video), in-app exercise tracking, digitized food logging, goal monitoring, and direct messaging with your coach. 


With all this novelty however, it’s easy to forget the importance of a program that’s specifically catered to meet your goals. You can find countless “cookie-cutter workouts” through Instagram and TikTok, but generic programs offer generic results… and “generic results” aren’t very good. 


If you want optimized fitness, you need a program that’s built specific to you.


Whether you're looking for a program that focuses on fat loss, muscle gain, or full-body recomposition, you need a routine that will capitalize on your strengths, minimize your roadblocks, fit your schedule, and follow your personal timeline. 


That belief is fundamental to my own fitness, and I hold it as a core value in designing your fitness program and workouts. I don't want you to just follow whatever workout program you find online in hopes that it will work. I want for you to have workouts that are specifically catered to you and your fitness goals. 

Image by Josh Duke
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Fitness Services

In-Person Fitness Training


This is the image you have in your head for what “personal training” should look like. You’ll receive a workout that’s custom built around your needs, delivered through a live coaching session to monitor your form, provide exercise progression options, and give extra motivational support to push you beyond what you could accomplish on your own. 


In-Person Fitness Training Sessions are sold as individual sessions or as packages of up to eight. Click here to view our package and pricing options. 



Online Fitness Coaching


Are you the type who prefers to do things on your own but still likes the idea of having a fitness professional by your side? This one’s for you. 


With online fitness training, your smartphone becomes your access point to custom-built workout programs, video exercise demonstrations, macro and calorie target calculation, and progress tracking. 



We’ll use the same software that we utilize in personal training sessions (Trainerize) to build between 1-4 workouts per week, customized around your goals . You’ll consult with your trainer about what you’re wanting from your exercise program, how long you’d like your workouts to last, what equipment you have available, and any other relevant information that will help in designing your program. After that, you’ll receive custom-catered workouts delivered to your tablet or smartphone on a weekly basis, body metric and exercise progress tracking through Trainerize, and live-video calls with your coach.

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In Peson Fitness

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About Your Trainer

I gained certification as a Personal Trainer through the American Council of Exercise in 2020. Since then I've worked in online fitness training environments, traditional in-person training sessions, and as a Group Fitness Instructor for Orange Theory Fitness.


I also have advanced certificates as a Suspension Training Specialist (TRX), Sports Nutrition Specialist (American Council on Exercise), and Virtual/Online Coaching Specialist (National Academy of Sports Medicine).


In my personal life I'm an avid hiker, a regular weight lifter, and an occasional trail runner. I also find time in my routine for HIIT, slack-lining, and yoga. As a whole, I'm fascinated by the human body. In 2023 I became licensed as a sports-based massage therapist, and since that time my commitment to further understanding human wellness and optimization has only grown deeper. 

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