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Nutrition & Health Coaching

"I've Tried Everything..." 
"Nothing Works..."

Most people know that feeling.


Of those who try to lose weight, only 15% achieve it in the long run. The other 85% either fail to lose any weight at all, or they fail to keep it off.


But this doesn't negate the very important fact that some people DO succeed! They not only achieve weight loss, but they keep it off for good.


So what is it that separates the 15% who succeed from the 85% who don't? 


It turns out that finding an answer to that question is no easy task.​​


Image by Nadine Primeau

I "Tried Everything" Too

​I struggled with my weight for more than 20 years—fluctuating up and down as much as 60lbs before I eventually changed my relationship with diet and exercise to something that was authentically healthful and truly sustainable.


And that’s the method that I teach my clients: Healthful Sustainability.  




The coaching that I provide isn't based on TikTok fad diets, sheer willpower, extreme restriction, uncountable hours of cardio, or giving up the foods you love.


None of that actually works in the long run. 


My way of doing things is different, and it's different because it has to be. It has to be different because we're working to separate you from the 85% of people who don't succeed in the long run.


Simply put, our goal is to make you into the 15% who are successful. And in order to do that, you'll need to take a different path than the ones that haven't worked for you before. 



Seriously Committed

If you’re still with me then you’ve already made it farther than the majority. Most people are looking for quick-fixes and have already realized that’s not what this is.


Those aren’t the people that I coach. 


My passion is for working with people who are seriously committed to improving their health and fitness for the rest of their lives. 


And if you’ve made it this far, then maybe that’s you. 


I want for you to ask yourself: what brought you to this page to begin with, and how come you haven’t gone onto the next thing yet? 


If it’s because you’re at a point where you want life-long improvement in how you eat, exercise, and feel in your body, then I’d love for the opportunity to talk about your goals and motivations. 

Fruit and Granola

Let's Start Here

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Book a Free Discovery Call

15-20 minutes

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Book a 1-Time Appointment

60-90 minutes

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Explore Coaching Packages

2-6 months

Image by Shayda Torabi
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